Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Johnny Woods Super Bowl Pool

A romantic weekend in Niagara Falls

A plush rocker-recliner or

A brand-new 1080-P HD television

What could YOU buy with $500 ???

Enter the new Johnny Woods Super Bowl pool today for FREE. 
YOU could win $500 if you have the numbers that match the final score.

Just register at (I chose the one that required the least info).  When you receive your e-mail verification just log in and follow these steps:
  • On the left column you will see, in blue, "User Tools"
  • Click "Join a Private Pool"
  • Click on the upper right graphic, "Superbowl Squares"
  • Pool Login Name: NOTLID
  • Pool Password: woods1 (case sensitive)
  • On the left column, in blue, click on "Pool Options" and "Make Picks"
  • Click on five open squares and hit "Select Squares"
That's all there is to it.  And best of all, it's FREE.

There is a limit of five squares per e-mail address.  So the pool is only open to the first 20 players (I already took my squares, so it's down to 19).

On the day before the Super Bowl, random numbers will be chosen.  You could win $500 if your numbers match the last digits of the final score.

Good luck!

OK, let me explain the whole "You could win $500 if your numbers match the last digits of the final score."

I don't have a lot of money for this, so I bought a New York Lottery "Loose Change" ticket (numbered 159).  Sometime after the game I will scratch off the ticket to see what the winner gets.  It might be a dollar.  Two dollars.  Five dollars.  It could be as high as $500.  Or, it could be nothing.  

The key is "You COULD win $500 if your numbers match the last digits of the final score."  
I never said "You will win $500 if your numbers match the last digits of the final score."

There will be a video posted of the scratching, and you know how I like playing with my movie program.   Again, it's free to enter.

And hey, you never know.


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